Achuth Hadnoor
Developer & UI/UX designer

I design and develop digital products. Through these experiences, I've had the opportunity to create products that are not only enjoyable to use by design but are also written in code that's maintainable and easy to understand.

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Through my studies, I've gained a solid understanding of computer science and web development concepts, and have dedicated a lot of my free time to apply these concepts to real-world scenarios and applications.

  • Javascript ES6
  • React Native
  • Styled-Components
  • Git
  • Firebase
  • ElectronJS
  • NodeJS
  • JAM Stack
  • Travis CI / Circle CI
  • GraphQl
What am i working on now?

I like to stay busy and always have a project in the works. Take a look at some of the applications, articles, and companies I've dedicated my time to.

Let's build something together

Feel free to reach out if you're looking for a developer, have a question, or just want to connect.